I am the Light
I am the Light
blazing down on the desert sand
glowing florescent at the bottom of the ocean
filling the night sky as a canopy of little diamonds
I am as tiny as a firefly
and as powerful as a laser beam
I flood the stage with colour
and gently peek through the clouds
I prompt the birds to sing, warm the earth and wake the flowers
I gaze shyly over the horizon during the northern yuletide
I dry out the creek beds at the peak of the drought
I am …the aurora borealis dancing across the northern sky
the eerie calm that peers through as the eye of the hurricane
the torch creating puppeteer shadows on bedroom walls
the rainbow of colours reflected over the waterfall
the lightening that strikes during thunderous summer storms
I keep the children awake on summer evenings that seem to last forever
I warm the sunbathing kitten in windowsill
and dry the fresh laundered clothes on the line
I brighten the face of the moon and can be seen in the flicker of the candle
I tan your skin and bleach your hair
I am the sunrise and the sunset
I am the Light
Original poem by Laura Lane, First published in the Hamilton Mountain Writers Guild Anthology Volume 3 Arising 2019