Part 2 of my interview with Marci Shimoff – Episode #6 Hope, Strength & Courage Podcast
“Forgiveness is one of the biggest means to unlocking greater happiness in our lives.” Marci Shimoff
Summary: Today’s episode features part 2 of my interview with Marci Shimoff #1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational leader and an expert on happiness, success and unconditional love as we talk about how to change your brain chemistry and feel happier, more balanced, and centered in your life.
What I love most about part 2 of my interview with Marci is how she shares with us tools we can use every day to remain positive and happy: the daily gratitude exercise, the easy HeartMath technique, forgiveness and Ho’oponopono. These are tools and exercises I have used myself over the years. I kept a daily gratitude journal for years and it was a lifeline for me. I learned about Ho’oponopono when Celeste was in the middle of treatment. A friend was inspired to send me a copy of Zero Limits. I share the whole story in my book, about the impact it has on my life at the time. It’s something I share with my clients during our sessions together as well. And HeartMath… well that was amazing. Marci showed us this simple technique to feeling more balanced, centered and open through a quick 2-minute exercise you can use anywhere. The best part is that you just got a taste it with Marci. Next week, is the first of 2 interviews with Jeff Golietz, education curriculum developer, senior trainer and education specialist with the HeartMath Institute. We’ll not only discuss more about HeartMath but also strategies to cope with trauma and everyday stress. I hope you get as much out of this episode and next week’s as much as I did.
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Best Advice from Marci Shimoff
- It has been found statistically that when we are grateful, if you spend two minutes a day in gratitude… think of five things a day that you’re grateful for, within a month, it will raise your happiness set point.
- What we appreciate, appreciates us
- Every night before you go to sleep, keep a little journal and write down five things that you’re grateful for that day and notice what shifts. Do it together with [your children]. You say five things out loud that you’re grateful for the day and have them say five things that they’re grateful for and that will help raise both of your set [Happiness] points.
- It’s critical for each of us, no matter what our circumstances are in life, to also spend a little bit of time on our own happiness. Because when we focus on our own happiness, we affect everyone around us. And ultimately, it’s the biggest way we can affect the world.
Links and Resources mentioned in this episode:
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