Finding Direction

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.”

Jack Canfield, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series

Today I was reminded of an experience I had at Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success event back in 2007. It was the last day of a full week of trainings and activities. We had had an amazing week. Of all the things we did that week, I can remember this final activity as if it was yesterday. It has helped to see more clearly who I am and how I operate in the world.

Jack had asked his staff and volunteers to clear all the chairs out of the conference room that had seated his 400 participants all week. The volunteers were then asked to spread themselves out around the perimeter of the conference room. Our very vague instructions were that we were to close our eyes, we weren’t allowed to speak but we could make noises, just no talking. We were not allowed to grope or hurt anyone, and we couldn’t sit down. Other than that, it was up to us what we did during the allotted time. The volunteers were there to make sure we were safe and to stop us from bumping into walls.

“One, two, three, every one close your eyes.” The only part I don’t remember exactly was how much time we were given – 10, 15 or 20 minutes. Either way it felt like a long time.

I stood there in my perceived darkness listening to the sounds of the people around me. Someone on one side of the room called out a wolf howl and someone replied from the other side of the room. And the noise began. There were howls, yelps, and whistles. As they called to each other, a group amassed in the center of the room. A party had clearly started.

At first, I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. I had no intention of joining the huge party but I didn’t want to just stand there either. My left brain kicked in. I needed a plan. And plan I did. I decided to go on an adventure. I was going to circumnavigate the room. I put my hands out in front of me and headed to where I though the nearest wall was.

I knew the volunteers wouldn’t let me hit the wall, but I would get as close as possible and when they turned me back to face the room, I would head 90 degrees parallel to the wall until I hit the next one. 

In my travels, as I bumped into others, I would walk around them and carry on. This worked for the first few individuals until I stumbled on a small group. They were all giving each other shoulder massages. It was so easy to get lost in the group. It wasn’t long before I realized I had no intention of doing that for whole time. I had a plan, and it was time to return to it.

As I approached a wall, and I was so sure I knew where I was and which way I was facing, but every time I made my 90-degree turn, the volunteers kept pointing me again and again back the way I came. I realized it was useless. I was going to have to try something else. If I simply walked forward eventually, I would have to get to another wall even if it was clearly right across the room.

But that meant I might end up walking right through the party in the middle of the room.

I had just made it right into the thick of it when Jack called for everyone’s attention. He explained that what we were doing was a representation of how we live our life. He asked us to think about that. We still had our eyes closed and we were going to continue the activity, but now that we knew the purpose of the activity, what would we like to do differently?

When I thought about it, I liked my plan. I was on a mission but the one thing I wanted to do differently, was that I didn’t want to do it alone. But how do you ask people to join you if you can’t speak?

Jack resumed the activity and I again put my hands out in front of me and started to walk. This time though when I bumped into someone, I put my hands their shoulder and walked my hand down their arm until I found their hand. Once I was holding their hand, I simply pulled to invite them to come with me.

To my absolute surprise that person simple came along. Off we walked until I bumped into the next person. This time when I found their hand, I added their right hand to the left hand of person I was already holding. And to my absolute surprise they came along for the ride as well.

I continued to walk and kept adding people to the end the chain. I was absolutely amazed that so many people were willing to come along with me. None of them knew where we were going. Only I did, but they were happy to be led along. I didn’t have anyone refuse to come with me.

By the time Jack announced we could stop and open our eyes I had 5 or 6 individuals all following me on my adventure.

Later that evening over dinner a group of us shared our experiences that day. A few individuals shared that they were terrified. One said she just stood there frozen in fear, the other admitted she stood there and cried. Another admitted she was happy to join the party in the centre of the room, making noises and giving back rubs.

We were all in the same room but each of us had different responses to the same challenge.

What do you think you would do if you participated in the activity?

Every time I reflect on that day, that activity, it helps me to remember that I am goal oriented and that helps me to keep moving forward in life. I don’t let much distract me.  

And what do you think this type of activity would say about your personality and how you live your life?

The biggest aha for me in the middle of the activity was realizing that I didn’t want to be alone. Once I realized that, it became the catalyst for becoming a leader and it helped me to see how many people were happy to have someone take them by the hand. I am not exactly clear why they came with me, they may have been lonely too, or wanted direction. Either way it was helpful to both of us.

When you analyze your life and how you have been living it so far, what would you do differently?

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”

Wayne Dyer

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