I am the Waves
I am the waves
sweeping gracefully across the pond
tossing the storm swept seas
rolling over the vast ocean
constant like the rising and setting of the sun
pushing with the pull of the moon
I crash upon the rocks during a stormy night
or lap against the lakeshore on a gentle day
I rise to great heights when hit by the force of a quake
or ripple when struck by skimming stones
I tumble over the edges pushed by toy boats in the middle of the tub
I can capsize a handcrafted canoe
sink a millionaire’s yacht
or shorn apart a majestic tall ship
My tides cover all in their path and recede to reveal even the tiniest treasures
my sounds can sooth
my strength can drown
my power can be harnessed
I bring excitement to those seeking the thrill
I bring fear to those caught unaware
I bring peace to those seeking solace
I am the waves
Original poem by Laura Lane, First published in the Hamilton Mountain Writers Guild Anthology Volume 3 Arising