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Stronger: The Daily Planner for the Most Amazing Moms on the Planet
Everything you need to stay sane while caring for a child with cancer.
Just when you thought raising a family was hard enough then the universe threw a childhood cancer diagnosis into the mix. Most days you don’t know how you do it. So many things to do, to keep track of and worry about, never mind plan dinner, or sign Susie’s school trip permission slip.
This planner is just for you as a cancer mom. A place to keep track of everything. From diagnosis to treatment plan, appointments, prescriptions and daily blood counts as well as everything else going on at home: like who’s available to help, what will we have for dinner, shopping lists, childcare arrangements, school and homework, daily, weekly and monthly to dos and reminders. With special pages to keep track of your medical team, friends and family support and recommended resources.
This is the resource I wish I had when my daughter was diagnosed. One handy place to keep track of everything with pockets in the back for the myriad of papers you’ll be given. Including special pockets just for prescriptions and medical requisitions, receipts and contact cards.
This is the only planner made by a cancer mom for cancer moms with all her needs in mind. Organized into important Information, monthly calendars, this week at a glance and full-page daily planner sheets to help you keep you head above water.

Two Mothers, One Prayer by Laura Lane and Laurie Nersten
Facing your child’s cancer with Hope, Strength and Courage.
“The touching, unforgettable story of two brave girls fighting a deadly disease, and the loving support of the women who gave them life.” – Kirkus Reviews
“Celeste has to have emergency neurosurgery tonight.”
How do parents cope when they have just been told their child has cancer?
In the spring of 2011, Laura and Laurie, two mothers living 500 miles apart, each learned that their 12-year-old daughters, Celeste and Hayley, had been diagnosed with Pineoblastoma, a rare form of brain tumour. The odds of one child being diagnosed was one in seven million. The odds of two twelve-year-old girls being diagnosed in the same month are 23.5 billion to one. The girls were hospitalized within 15 days of each other.
These two mothers have now written a book together. It is the story of two beautiful girls and two mothers who prayed for each other daily – and the miracles they found in their two-year journey.