Divine Orchestration

“Look at your life through heavens eyes“ Through Heaven’s Eyes, Song by Brian Stokes Mitchell, from the Prince of Egypt film Have you have thought that your life is being conducted like an orchestra in order to get you to the right place at the right time? I’ve noticed a few times that the universe seems to be plotting to …

Love is an Expression of Tenderness

“My ability to see love in the world creates more love in the world.” Laura Lane from ‘I Touch the Heavens’ This week, to follow up on what I shared last week about Love,  I thought I would share an excerpt from my book “Two Mothers One Prayer”. This is from Chapter 11 – Love. It includes some of my …

Love Heals!

“Love Heals, Love Creates, Love Transforms.”  Laura Lane from ‘I Touch the Heavens’ This week I asked for a blessing to help me recover from respiratory illnesses that have plagued me for most of the summer. I know that healing can come but I always become curious as to how that works. As I pondered that today I was reminded …

Trials, Troubles, and Afflictions

“Having a divine perspective and hope helps me to know I am not alone.” Laura Lane from ‘I Touch the Heavens’ Sometimes life can be hard and we struggle to make sense of it. Right now, is a tough time for many people. Families and individuals are struggling financially with debt and the downturn of the economy and at the …

Helping hands and small acts of kindness

“As I see God’s goodness and greatness, I am filled with love and life and light, which is the fountain of living waters.” Laura Lane from ‘I Touch the Heavens’ Last week I attended a lovely retreat with 3 other beautiful ladies. We learned and grew together and got to know each other. When I casually mentioned that I was …